क्रियाशील कक्षा - kriyasheel kaksha,kriyashil kaksha meaning in hindi

Suggested :
अंगूरी मदिरा | wine |
Sugar and rice were grown as well but mostly for use in preparing wine . | |
एकतरफ़ा | unrequited |
Benvolio discovers that it stems from unrequited love for a girl named Rosaline | |
अगौहैं | forward |
From the viewpoint of an electromagnetic wave traveling forward | |
परतिसठा | face |
In the face of the country being re-occupied by the Red Army | |
बीजगणितीय | algebraic |
As well as standard constructions of modern algebraic geometry |
kriyasheel kaksha,kriyashil kaksha
अक्षरों की संख्या: 15 व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
kriyaashiila kakShaa
Related spellings : kriyaasheel kaksha,kriyasheel kaksha,kriyaashil kaksha
Related spellings : kriyaasheel kaksha,kriyasheel kaksha,kriyaashil kaksha
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